In this blog I will give you 27 tips for a good newbornshoot. Thanks to many years of experience as a newborn photographer, I obviously know pretty well what to look out for ๐ I hope to help you with this so that the chances of a fun and relaxing newborn shoot are greater. Do you read along?
1. Do your research in advance
Please make sure you do some research beforehand on what style of photography suits you. Also check your partner’s opinion. Do this before you book! Also look at my newborn portfolio so you know what I make. Does this appeal to you? Then you are in the right place. Do you feel like you’re missing something or do the photos not fit you or your home? Then you better look further. I don’t mind at all. The point is that you will be happy with the pictures ๐
2. Read the terms and conditions carefully
Like many other companies I work with general conditions. Read them carefully before or while filling out the booking form. This way you can be sure that there won’t be any surprises later on because you didn’t read them properly in the rush.
3. Book while you are still pregnant
If you want to be sure of a place, I advise you to book at least 3 months in advance. Experience shows that people often book late, sometimes even when the baby is already born. Because of the hustle and bustle around the delivery and birth this is not preferred. It is more rule than exception that my agenda for the coming quarter is already quite full. So don’t wait too long to book if you want to be assured of a newborn session with me.
4. Take care of rest
It may be a picknick, but make sure you have some rest the day you come to the studio for the newborn session. Do not schedule any other appointments on the same day as the newbornshoot, not even after. The shoot can run out of time! Also, make sure you have updated your own schedule so you do not go into the newborn shoot with your head full. We are not going to rush!
5. Report on time that you have given birth
The sooner the better, especially since we try to schedule the newborn session before day 14. That way we know for sure that we can pose your baby properly and he/she is still sleeping a lot.
6. Stay relaxed
It is still difficult when you have just become parents, I get that. But please realize that this is my profession. I always make sure the newborn shoot takes place safely. Sit back and relax ๐
7. No prints or logos on the clothes
When selecting clothing for the brother sister photos or parent photos at home, please note the following. Provide neutral outerwear (black, dark blue or beige/cream). No white. Please no visible patterns or logos. It is nice if you both wear the same color top. Both wearing the same color pants and ironing will definitely get you bonus points ๐
8. Don’t forget the stove
During the newborn shoot the room gets about 26 degrees… So don’t forget to dress yourself in layers. It is also nice if you can take something off so you can cool down a bit.
9. Drink more than enough
Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are breastfeeding. In the studio there is at least coffee, tea, cold water and some soda available.
10. Be nice to the photographer
It may be obvious, but still… Know that I will only communicate with you in a calm way.
11. Be on time
It is always nice when we can start on time. Since a newborn shoot can take a while, it is nice if you are on time.
12. Think about what you would like
What final form do you want for your newborn session? What makes you happy? The better you know what you want, the easier it is for me. Would you like a handmade album or a beautiful canvas for the wall? I have many examples of these in the studio. During the newborn shoot you can look through these at your leisure. The final choice is made during the order meeting after the newborn session. Do you have a specific color in mind? It is best to indicate this in advance on the Booking Form.
13. Read the information letter carefully
You will receive this after the booking via a link in your mail. Read both (!) carefully before you come for the newbornshoot. It contains useful tips and instructions to make the newbornshoot easier. So you know exactly what to expect.
14. Do not put on any difficult clothes when you come to the studio
These have to go over your baby’s head again when I wrap him/her for the newborn session. Usually they wake up and we don’t want that! A wrap is ideal, maybe combined with a wrapper.
15. Let me know if you are allergic to wool
If I recognize signs with your child I can adjust the shoot by using other materials.
16. What makes a newborn shoot so expensive
We charge about two to three hours for a newborn shoot. It may take some time for the newborn to sleep, which is the goal for the newborn photos. So patience is essential. Add to that a lot of knowledge about different techniques and beautiful newborn gear (wool!), and you immediately understand why a newborn shoot is not cheap. In addition, I have my bachelor photography and continuing education and training also costs money. Think for example of my child first aid certificate that I refresh every year. And count the laundry as well, because after every newborn shoot I have to go to work ๐
17. Feeding takes time
A (breast)feed takes time. No problem, we take our time. It is always better to feed two breasts instead of one. That way you increase the chance of a deep sleep.
18. Leave the rest of the family at home
Leave other family and children who are not going to be in the photo at home. So arrange babysitters in advance in case of other children who are not going to be in the photo.
19. Help the photographer
I will need your help frequently during the newborn shoot. It is very much appreciated if you follow my instructions (as well as possible).
20. The baby decides
I have a rule that it should stay fun for the baby. If the baby says he doesn’t like a certain position, we choose another one. We can ask nicely but we will never force it! If I notice that a child is completely done with it then I will always stop. This also applies to Babyshoots and Cakesmash shoots.
21. Take spare clothes with you
Just in case we decide to photograph the child naked. Accidents do happen often and it is nice if you can change yourself then. Especially if you have booked parent photos as well.
22. Take extra food with you
If you are bottle feeding or using pumped milk, it is always a good idea to bring along some extra food. The studio has a microwave and a kettle. Realize that the heater can cause your child to drink more. It is therefore possible that the daily rhythm on the day of the shoot is a little different, but that is normal.
23. Further away? Feed in the studio
Do you live further away than half an hour from my studio? Then I always advise to feed in the studio. If necessary, we can make an early appointment. That way, we try to keep the child awake as long as possible for as long a sleep as possible during the newborn shoot itself.
24. Don’t take pictures yourself
Just don’t!
25. Keep the baby awake
Keep the baby awake as much as possible before the shoot so that it is most likely to fall asleep only right before the shoot.
26. Let it be known during the newborn shoot if something needs to be changed
Let me know if you don’t agree with something or if there is something you would like to see done differently. After the shoot it becomes very difficult for me to change anything. So please do let me know, I always welcome feedback and will do everything I can to make it work for you.
27. Have fun and enjoy! ๐
Enjoy the newborn shoot! We are going to make something beautiful out of it and everything will be fine.
Thanks for reading!
Hopefully you liked reading my blog “27 tips for a good newbornshoot”. Would you like more information about a cakesmash shoot? Or do you want to know more about baby photography? Or maybe you are pregnant and already looking for a good newborn photographer? Then you can contact me for a Newbornshoot with your newborn baby. Please contact me! As a taster you can already follow me on Facebook and Instagram or subscribe to the newsletter.